Computer Science

HOD's Desk


Welcome to the Department of Computer Science!

"Computer Science is the operating system for all Innovation"
- Steve Balmer

In todays world imagination plays a vital role in success. "Imagination is more important than knowledge" it is rightly said by Albert Einstein. Creativity, Innovation and whatever terms we may add they are internally connected. Every invention evolves from the human brain. The computer is also a brainchild of an individuals imagination and intelligence. Since 1988, we were embarked on the mission of shaping young professionals and had set a goal of training, enabling and leading the youth on the path of ascendancy in their professional and personal life. Now we are extremely happy to watch the galaxy of thousands of young software professionals springing up in the IT sector. We are aware of our accountability to design learning programs to train the youth to meet the existing and impending challenges. To make the young professionals more dynamic, the pedagogy should be strengthened. We are blessed with passionate teaching members and enthusiastic learners striving for open-minded learning ethos. The department provides a platform for the students to enrich their practical knowledge and employability skills through project works. The Undergraduate programs train the students to achieve higher standards in theoretical and practical aspects while involving them in live projects to develop technology which would suit the needs of the urban as well as rural people. I am sure and confident that the Department of Computer Science will be a motivating place for improving technical knowledge and professional competence because we should always remember Malcolm X as he says The Future belongs to those who prepare for it and that preparation starts in our department.

Mr.S.A.B. Nehru
Head, Department, Computer Science
Andhra Loyola College


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