Micro-Biology and Food Technology



The Department of MICROBIOLOGY was established in the year 1996 with 3 major group subjects (Botany, Microbiology and Chemistry) with its well developed labs. The department has introduced new courses (Biotechnology, Microbiology and Chemistry). Recently department has introduced a new combination (Microbiology, Food Technology and Chemistry). The department is blessed with one Ph.D faculty. The department had engaged in the student centered activities like Industrial Tours, Seminars and Workshops. In view of the employability for students of applied sciences, papers such as Industrial Microbiology, Agricultural Microbiology, and Environmental Microbiology are included. In the above papers students learn and practice various microbiological procedure or methods such as sanitary analysis of water, fermentation to obtain useful products (wine preparations, enzymes, antibodies etc), analysis of soil samples microbiologically to know its fertility, preparation of biofertilizers etc, which will ensure students in grabbing the opportunities in areas such as water plants, pharmaceutical productions, quality management and control, agro-based companies, research and various other industries. Final year students get benefited by other papers such as Food Microbiology in which they learn and practice about microbiological analysis of various food samples, Preparation of fermented milk products using micro-organisms. Utilizing these recourses they can get placed in star hotels, food processing units, food quality control units, dairy industries etc. In the last semester (V1), curriculum contains papers such as Immunology and Medical and Clinical microbiology in which they learn various diagnostic procedures and perform tests. They learn to collect various clinical samples, how to process them using various advanced methods. Using this as a great boon, students can get employed in the Hospitals, diagnostic centers, Research laboratories, quality control in hospitals, sterilization units, etc and can shine very well in their career

To conclude regarding employability, the curriculum has been designed and developed his/her course in Microbiology is sure to be placed in any of the area with confidence for his/her bright and successful career.


The department of FOOD TECHNOLOGY is established in the year 2013 with 3 major group subjects (Food Science & Technology, Microbiology and Chemistry) with its well-equipped labs. The vision of the department is to provide quality education and training to individuals preparing for careers in Food Technology and to equip the students with knowledge of basic and applied research in this field for the ultimate benefit of the society at large. The department had engaged in the student centered activities like Industrial Tours, National Seminars and Workshops. In view of the employability for students of applied sciences, papers such as Industrial processing Equipment, Food Microbiology, Dairy Technology, Confectionery Technology, Food packaging, Food Safety and Quality Control are included. Utilizing the resources they can get placed in reputed Food Industries and Quality control units. To conclude regarding employability, the curriculum has been designed and developed his/her course in Food Science and technology is sure to be placed in any of the area with confidence for his/her bright and successful career.

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